When They Amazed Me
Tuesday, 24 May 2011 | 04:47 | 0 Rain[s]

Well, hello world!
Hoho.. Bajet anwar Hadi tu.
Why do I talk about him? Because .. His english is damn good!!
Watch the video below guys!
Aku?? Speaking?? Woot2 Nampaknya pemilik blog sudah demam disini!
Actually this is all because of Muet that we were ought to study in form 6.
Sorry for the manglish guys! I prefer it this way.

So when the muet class start, I know im in big trouble.
Seriously me?? speaking?? In front of the people??
Nah. Im not really good at that. My voice will be shaking and my knees will be trembling.
Hah! that sort of stuff will happen to me.
Watch yourself.
Im not good enough in speaking formally in front of all people.
But I can talk to others in english.
One by one of my classmates was called to the front to speak everything that they have to say.
And yes Amanda and Vic. You both amazed me.
Natalie!! You said youre not good in english but your blog rocks!
Full in English.
I like!

As for today Education Fair, it works out pretty well.
Every college are trying to impress the student and at the same time giving out information of the courses they have to offer.
So there is this one guy. English guy from University of Cumbria.
I know he is lost. But he doesnt dare to ask anything to me.
Maybe it was because of my tudung.
When finally he walk back and forth in front of our classroom trying to search the right place that he should have been, I approach him.
Talking bout nervous!
Yay!! I can talk to him!
Boo to me coz Ive been relieved that I can help him.
English.. You make me scared.

Wah! seksanya cakap english panjang2!
Oklaa! Saya nak chow dulu!

p/s: Ignore the grammar mistakes.